In our Disciplemaking Communities this year, we’re reading a Psalm a week as we seek to grow in living a life of worship. The Psalter is a beautiful worship-filled series of songs that brings us to God in all kinds of moods, metaphors and praise.
Our people are reading the psalm in different versions, listening to it, reading it prayerfully and repeatedly. — all in the effort to draw close to God and to learn better how to worship with all aspects of our lives.
It’s fun to hear what God has shown people as they have asked the Spirit to speak to them during their week. And of course, each psalm gives us something new to worship with, prayer over, and immerse ourselves in.
This week we’re going through Psalm 46. Probably the most recognized verse in that one is,
“be still and know that I am God”
Every time I read that verse I have to pause. Really, I just have to. It strikes me afresh and I have to take a minute or ten to be with God.
And if you look at the context of the rest of the Psalm that statement is even more powerful. It records waves crashing, nations clashing and mountains crumbling. Things are out of control. The world is a mess! But
“be still and know that I am God”
It says that God is our fortress, the almighty one who nations will bow before. Okay, I can’t do it justice, you really need to sit down, take a few minutes and read it. Be still, listen to the words about our God.
Let Him calm you in times of trouble, when all seems against you. God is God and He’s got your back.